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3. Project and Cloud Region Creation


The Ash Console is currently in alpha and not production-ready. It is under active development and subject to breaking changes.

The Avalanche node resources will be deployed into a cloud region of a project.

Create a project

Create a project on the local network for this guide with the console project create command:

ash console project create '{name: devnet-guide, network: local}'
Project created successfully!
| Project name | Project ID | Network | Cloud regions | Resources | Created at |
| devnet-guide | 9a98...ed67 | Local | | | 2024-04-05T09:09 |

Switched to project 'devnet-guide' (9a98cc14-6022-44a9-8ca1-6d8db557ed67)!

See the reference for more information about projects lifecycle management.

Add a cloud region to the project

Add a cloud region of your choice to the project with the console region add (list of supported regions)

Note: You need the name of the cloud credentials secret created in step 1.

ash console region add '{
cloudProvider: aws,
region: us-east-1,
cloudCredentialsSecretId: my-aws-creds
Cloud region successfully added to project 'devnet-guide'!
| Cloud region | Region ID | Cloud creds secret ID | Created at | Status |
| aws/us-east-1 | 634d...c9d9 | 2a29...fde2 | 2023-12-21T15:56 | Available |

See the reference for more information about cloud regions lifecycle management.