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3. Node ID / BLS keys Secrets Creation


The Ash Console is currently in beta and not production-ready. It is under active development and subject to breaking changes.

The Ash Console decorelates the node ID from Avalanche nodes, so that you can have a better control over your validator nodes' lifecycle.

Node IDs are stored as secrets in the Console.

In this part of the guide, we will create 5 node ID secrets for the 5 nodes of our Avalanche devnet.


The Node ID secrets need to match the hardcoded Node IDs in the genesis_local.json file of the AvalancheGo codebase.

Fetch the node IDs certificates and BLS keys

Before creating the Node ID secrets corresponding to the hardcoded Node IDs of the Avalanche devnet, we need to fetch the certificates and BLS keys of these nodes. They can be found in the ansible-avalanche-getting-started repository.

Here is a bash loop to quickly fetch the certificates and BLS keys of the 5 nodes:

for i in {01..05}; do
curl -sSL "${base_url}/validator${i}.bls.key" -o "validator${i}.bls.key"
curl -sSL "${base_url}/validator${i}.crt" -o "validator${i}.crt"
curl -sSL "${base_url}/validator${i}.key" -o "validator${i}.key"

Create the node ID secrets

From the Ash Console project overview page, navigate to the Secrets tab:

  • Click on the Create Secret button.
  • Select the Node ID secret type.
  • Set the name local-node-id-01 for the secret.
  • Paste the Node ID corresponding to the certificate and key files, e.g., NodeID-7Xhw2mDxuDS44j42TCB6U5579esbSt3Lg for the first node.
  • Upload the certificate, key and BLS key files of the approriate node in the corresponding fields.
  • Click on the Create button to add secret to the project.

Ash Console NodeID secret create


Repeat the process above for the 4 other Node ID secrets.


See the reference for more information about secrets lifecycle management.