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2. Node ID / BLS keys Secrets Generation


The Ash Console is currently in alpha and not production-ready. It is under active development and subject to breaking changes.

The Ash Console decorelates the node ID from Avalanche nodes, so that you can have a better control over your validator nodes' lifecycle.

Node IDs are stored as secrets in the Console.

In this part of the guide, we will create 5 node ID secrets for the 5 nodes of our Avalanche devnet.


The Node ID secrets need to match the hardcoded Node IDs in the genesis_local.json file of the AvalancheGo codebase.

Fetch the node IDs blueprint


Learn more about blueprints in the Console Blueprints reference.

We will use the local-node-ids.yml blueprint to create the node ID secrets for the 5 nodes of our Avalanche devnet.

  1. If not already done, create a folder for this guide and navigate to it:

    mkdir -p ash-console-guides/devnet-network
    cd ash-console-guides/devnet-network
  2. Fetch the blueprint from the ash-rs repository:

    curl -sSL -o local-node-ids.yml
  3. Take a look at the blueprint. You will see that it defines 5 secrets of type nodeId with their TLS keys and certificates:

    cat local-node-ids.yml
    - name: local-node-id-01
    secretType: nodeId
    nodeId: NodeID-7Xhw2mDxuDS44j42TCB6U5579esbSt3Lg
    nodeCert: LS0tLS...
    nodeKey: LS0tLS...
    nodeBlsKey: U2fcxy...
    # ...

Create the node ID secrets

Apply the blueprint with the console blueprint apply command to create the node ID secrets:

ash console blueprint apply ./local-node-ids.yml
Confirmation prompt
Blueprint summary
5 to create: local-node-id-01, local-node-id-02, local-node-id-03, local-node-id-04, local-node-id-05
0 to update:
0 to create:
0 to update:
? Are you sure you want to apply this blueprint? (y/N)
[This action is irreversible!]

After the blueprint is done applying, we can then confirm that the secrets have been created with the console secret list command:

ash console secret list
| Secret name | Secret ID | Type | Created at | Used by |
| local-node-id-01 | 7738...a900 | NodeId | 2023-12-21T15:53 | 0 |
| local-node-id-02 | d577...a0bd | NodeId | 2023-12-21T15:54 | 0 |
| local-node-id-03 | 6cf7...db9d | NodeId | 2023-12-21T15:54 | 0 |
| local-node-id-04 | 7221...fa0c | NodeId | 2023-12-21T15:54 | 0 |
| local-node-id-05 | 36a1...59b8 | NodeId | 2023-12-21T15:54 | 0 |
| my-aws-creds | 2a29...fde2 | AwsCredentials | 2023-12-21T15:55 | 0 |

See the reference for more information about secrets lifecycle management.