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Console Blueprints


The Ash Console is currently in beta and not production-ready. It is under active development and subject to breaking changes.

The Ash CLI provides a powerful blueprint feature that allows creating and/or updating Ash Console entities (projects, cloud regions, resources, etc.) using declarative configuration files. These files can be easily version-controlled and shared with your team, enabling infrastructure-as-code workflows.

Blueprints structure

A blueprint is a YAML or JSON file with the following structure:

# The list of secrets to create or update
- name: aws-credentials
secretType: awsCredentials
# ...
- name: local-node-id-01
secretType: nodeId
# ...
# The list of projects to create or update
# The project properties
- project:
name: ash-devnet
network: local
# The list of cloud regions to add to the project
- cloudProvider: aws
region: us-east-1
cloudCredentialsSecretId: aws-credentials
# The list of resources to create or update in the project
- name: local-node-01
resourceType: avalancheNode
cloudRegionId: aws/us-east-1
nodeIdSecretId: local-node-id-01
# ...

Blueprint features

Blueprints have some nice features:

  • You can reference other entities by their name (e.g. cloudCredentialsSecretId: aws-credentials) before they are created. But always make sure that the referenced entity is listed before the entity that references it.
  • You can use environment variables in the blueprint:
    - name: aws-credentials
    secretType: awsCredentials
    accessKey: "${AWS_ACCESS_KEY}"
    secretKey: "${AWS_SECRET_KEY}"

Apply a blueprint

Applying a blueprint is as simple as running the blueprint apply command and providing the blueprint path:

ash console blueprint apply ./blueprint.yml

The Ash CLI will display a summary of the changes that will be applied and ask for confirmation:

Confirmation prompt
Blueprint summary
2 to create: aws-credentials, local-node-id-01
0 to update:
1 to create:
- 'ash-devnet':
Regions: aws/us-east-1
Resources: local-node-01
0 to update:
? Are you sure you want to apply this blueprint? (y/N)
[This action is irreversible!]

Once you confirm, the CLI will create or update the entities in sequence and display the result:

Creating entities...
Creating secret: aws-credentials
Secret created successfully!
| Secret name | Secret ID | Type | Created at | Used by |
| aws-credentials | 9954...ac4b | AwsCredentials | 2023-12-21T14:34 | 0 |

Creating secret: local-node-id-01
Secret created successfully!
| Secret name | Secret ID | Type | Created at | Used by |
| local-node-id-01 | 5064...9550 | NodeId | 2023-12-21T14:34 | 0 |

Creating project: ash-devnet
Project created successfully!
| Project name | Project ID | Network | Cloud regions | Created at |
| ash-devnet | 519b...c103 | Local | | 2023-12-21T14:34 |

Switched to project 'ash-devnet' (519b5d03-6ab2-44db-9a01-61774650c103)!
Adding region: ash-devnet:aws/us-east-1
Cloud region successfully added to project 'ash-devnet'!
| Cloud region | Region ID | Cloud creds secret ID | Created at | Status |
| aws/us-east-1 | 010b...5d55 | 9954...ac4b | 2023-12-21T14:34 | Available |

Adding resource: ash-devnet:local-node-01
Resource successfully created in project 'ash-devnet'!
| Resource name | Resource ID | Type | Cloud region ID | Size | Created at | Status | Resource specific |
| local-node-01 | 352e...ba20 | AvalancheNode | 010b...5d55 | Small | 2023-12-21T14:34 | Pending | IP address | None |
| | | | | | | | Running | false |
| | | | | | | | Bootstrapped | [false] |
| | | | | | | | Healthy | [false] |
| | | | | | | | Restart req. | false |

Updating entities: Nothing to update

You can use the same command to update existing entities. For example, if you add a new region to the blueprint:

# ...
- project:
name: ash-devnet
network: local
# ...
# New region
- cloudProvider: aws
region: us-west-2
cloudCredentialsSecretId: aws-credentials
# ...
ash console blueprint apply ./blueprint.yml
Confirmation prompt
Blueprint summary
0 to create:
2 to update: aws-credentials, local-node-id-01
0 to create:
1 to update:
- 'ash-devnet':
Regions: aws/us-east-1, aws/us-east-2
Resources: local-node-01
? Are you sure you want to apply this blueprint? (y/N)
[This action is irreversible!]