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Subnet Blockchain Explorer

In this section, we will learn how to use the ash.avalanche.evm.blockscout role to deploy a Blockscout instance for an EVM blockchain.


For this tutorial, we will use the local inventory provided by the Ansible Avalanche Getting Started repository. See Create a Local Test Network for details.

We should also have created a Subnet and a blockchain, see Subnet Creation for details.


Always make sure you have the latest version of the collection installed. See Installation and upgrade.


The ash.avalanche.faucet role uses Docker and the ash.avalanche.install_blockscout_docker playbook installs Docker through the geerlingguy.docker.

We can make this role available locally with:

ansible-galaxy install -r ansible_collections/ash/avalanche/requirements.yml

Configure Blockscout

The Blockscout instance will be installed as a Docker Compose service on the nodes of the blockscout Ansible group. In Ansible Avalanche Getting Started, it is the frontend node by default. You can change this by editing the hosts file.

Set the blockchain ID in blockscout.yml (the group_vars file associated with our hosts' group):

blockscout_blockchain_id: 2dEmExGjJT6MouJRr1PqV4PSQEbScDAjKuPtT6pgqYR5xdUuac

The blockchain ID (2dEmExGjJT6MouJRr1PqV4PSQEbScDAjKuPtT6pgqYR5xdUuac in our case) should be the one created in the Subnet Creation tutorial.


If you went through all the tutorials with the local inventory and the default variables, you should be good to go! Otherwise, check out the other variables at ash.avalanche.evm.blockscout.

Install Blockscout

Running the ash.avalanche.install_blockscout_docker will install Docker and the docker-compose service:

ansible-playbook ash.avalanche.install_blockscout_docker -i inventories/local

Generate the Blockscout URL and open it in your browser:

echo "http://$(terraform -chdir=terraform/multipass output -raw frontend_ip)"
Sample output

Ash Blockscout

Fig.1 - Ash Blockscout

The ash.avalanche.evm.blockscout role is not yet compatible with secured HTTP API endpoints.