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This Ansible role allows to deploy a Blockscout instance as a Docker service.

Role variables

VariableCommentDefault value
blockscout_imageBase image of Blockscoutblockscout/blockscout
blockscout_image_versionTag to be used5.1.0
blockscout_conf_dirWhere to store the Blockscout config files/etc/blockscout/conf
blockscout_custom_dirDir used to upload custom assets"{{ blockscout_conf_dir }}/custom"
blockscout_log_dirWhere to store the Blockscout logs/var/log/blockscout
blockscout_data_dirWhere to store the Postgres data/var/lib/postgres
blockscout_userUser that will run Blockscoutroot
blockscout_rpcRPC of the blockchain to indexhttp://
blockscout_header_logo_fileBlockscout header logo fileash-logo-circle-30.svg
blockscout_env_varsSee Blockscout docsNA

Inventory requirements

  • The host on which to install Blockscout have to be in the blockscout group.

How to?

See the Subnet Blockchain Explorer tutorial to learn how to deploy Blockscout.