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Create a Fuji node on AWS

In this section, we will learn how to use the ash.avalanche Ansible collection to provision a Fuji Avalanche node on a AWS EC2 instance.


  • Python >=3.9 with venv module installed
  • AWS account and access key (see AWS docs) with correct permissions to manage EC2 instances (e.g.: AmazonEC2FullAccess)
  • Terraform installed (see Install Terraform)

    Terraform is an infrastructure as code tool that lets you build, change, and version infrastructure safely and efficiently

  • For filtering outputs:

We recommend installing the Ash CLI to easily get information about your nodes and Subnets. See Ash CLI - Installation.
The tutorials still provide the snippets to query the Avalanche APIs with cURL.

Setup the environment

  1. Clone the Getting Started repository:

    git clone
    cd ansible-avalanche-collection-getting-started
  2. Setup and activate Python venv:

    source .venv/bin/activate
  3. Install the ash.avalanche collection:

    ansible-galaxy collection install git+
  4. Initialize the Terraform modules:

    terraform -chdir=terraform/aws init

Create EC2 instance with Terraform

  1. Setup AWS keys environment variables:

  2. Created the resources with Terraform:

    terraform -chdir=terraform/aws apply

This command will create the resources defined in including a t2.2xlarge EC2 instance with 300GiB of storage, an associated key pair and a security group configured to allow SSH (port 22) and default AVAX ports (9650 for HTTP and 9651 for staking) as well as all outbound traffic.

  1. Save the IP of the newly created EC2 instance:

    terraform -chdir=terraform/aws output fuji_node_ip
  2. Update inventories/fuji-aws/hosts with the IP of your EC2 instance. E.g.:

    aws-fuji-node ansible_host= ansible_user=ubuntu ansible_ssh_private_key_file=files/ansible_key.pem


Creating the EC2 instance with Terraform is not the only way to go, you can also create it manually using the AWS console or CLI. Just make sure to update inventories/fuji-aws/hosts so that Ansible knows how to connect to your EC2 instance.

Provision Fuji node

We will use the ash.avalanche.provision_nodes playbook to install and configure AvalancheGo on our EC2 instance.

ansible-playbook ash.avalanche.provision_nodes -i inventories/fuji-aws

The inventories/fuji-aws/group_vars/avalanche_nodes.yml file holds the configuration for the ash.avalanche.node role. We only override the avalanchego_version and avalanchego_network_id variables, leaving the others as default. For a list of all available variables, see ash.avalanche.node reference.

Monitor bootstrapping

We can SSH to our EC2 instance to follow the synchronization of the P, X and C chains. For example with the P-chain:

ssh -i ./files/ansible_key.pem "ubuntu@$YOUR_EC2_INSTANCE_IP"

cd /var/log/avalanche/avalanchego
tail C.log
[06-02|09:16:47.131] INFO <P Chain> platformvm/vm.go:205 initializing last accepted {"blkID": "99BWrAqUMvTp9nXKXyjPsCqjGwDqVFqssTRQbu58af57Cf9VG"}
[06-02|09:16:47.132] INFO <P Chain> snowman/transitive.go:90 initializing consensus engine
[06-02|09:16:47.133] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:115 starting bootstrapper
[06-02|09:16:53.011] INFO <P Chain> common/bootstrapper.go:244 bootstrapping started syncing {"numVerticesInFrontier": 1}
[06-02|09:16:58.208] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:495 fetching blocks {"numFetchedBlocks": 5000, "numTotalBlocks": 105347, "eta": "1m44s"}
[06-02|09:17:07.713] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:495 fetching blocks {"numFetchedBlocks": 10000, "numTotalBlocks": 105347, "eta": "2m20s"}
[06-02|09:17:10.766] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:495 fetching blocks {"numFetchedBlocks": 15000, "numTotalBlocks": 105347, "eta": "1m47s"}
[06-02|09:17:14.385] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:495 fetching blocks {"numFetchedBlocks": 20000, "numTotalBlocks": 105347, "eta": "1m31s"}
[06-02|09:17:18.286] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:495 fetching blocks {"numFetchedBlocks": 25000, "numTotalBlocks": 105347, "eta": "1m21s"}
[06-02|09:17:21.936] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:495 fetching blocks {"numFetchedBlocks": 30000, "numTotalBlocks": 105347, "eta": "1m13s"}

Logs should look like this once the chain is bootstrapped:

[06-02|09:18:18.373] INFO <P Chain> bootstrap/bootstrapper.go:554 executing blocks {"numPendingJobs": 105347}
[06-02|09:18:48.374] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:203 executing operations {"numExecuted": 36081, "numToExecute": 105347, "eta": "58s"}
[06-02|09:19:18.395] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:203 executing operations {"numExecuted": 43933, "numToExecute": 105347, "eta": "1m24s"}
[06-02|09:19:48.398] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:203 executing operations {"numExecuted": 44159, "numToExecute": 105347, "eta": "2m5s"}
[06-02|09:20:18.554] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:203 executing operations {"numExecuted": 44364, "numToExecute": 105347, "eta": "2m45s"}
[06-02|09:20:48.555] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:203 executing operations {"numExecuted": 47613, "numToExecute": 105347, "eta": "3m2s"}
[06-02|09:21:18.556] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:203 executing operations {"numExecuted": 64999, "numToExecute": 105347, "eta": "1m52s"}
[06-02|09:21:48.557] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:203 executing operations {"numExecuted": 81297, "numToExecute": 105347, "eta": "1m2s"}
[06-02|09:22:18.558] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:203 executing operations {"numExecuted": 96176, "numToExecute": 105347, "eta": "23s"}
[06-02|09:22:34.657] INFO <P Chain> queue/jobs.go:224 executed operations {"numExecuted": 105347}

By default, AvalancheGo is configured to use State Sync for faster node bootstrapping. If you want to run an archival node, you need to disable State Sync on the C-chain. This is configurable through the Ansible Avalanche Collection by adding the following keys to avalanche_nodes.yml:

state-sync-enabled: false

Issue API calls

The node aws-fuji-node exposes AvalancheGo APIs on it's public IP: you can query any Avalanche API from your terminal. For example, to check if the P-Chain is done bootstrapping:

ash avalanche node is-bootstrapped C --http-host "$YOUR_EC2_INSTANCE_IP"
Chain 'C' on node '$YOUR_EC2_INSTANCE_IP:9650': Bootstrapped ✓

Stop or start AvalancheGo

The ash.avalanche collection creates a systemd service to manage AvalancheGo. It can be stopped or started using the following commands:

ssh -i ./files/ansible_key.pem "ubuntu@$YOUR_EC2_INSTANCE_IP"
# Stop AvalancheGo
systemctl stop avalanchego
# Start AvalancheGo
systemctl start avalanchego


Different aspects of the installation can be customized:

Where to go next?

All of our tutorials can be run on the EC2 instance created in this tutorial! Go ahead and deploy a Monitoring stack or learn how to Install the Subnet EVM to your node.