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This Ansible role allows to manage Avalanche nodes:

  • Install and configure AvalancheGo following Linux best practices
  • Install Virtual Machines that can later be used to create blockchains
  • (On local networks) Create an account with access to pre-funded addresses

Role variables

VariableCommentDefault value
avalanchego_versionSee AvalancheGo releases1.10.0
avalanchego_install_dirBase directory to store all AvalancheGo software/opt/avalanche/avalanchego
avalanchego_vms_dirWhere to unpack VMs releases/opt/avalanche/vms
avalanchego_db_dir--db-dir argument/var/lib/avalanche/avalanchego/db
avalanchego_conf_dirWhere to store AvalancheGo config files/etc/avalanche/avalanchego/conf
avalanchego_staking_dirWhere to store the node's TLS certificates and BLS key used to communicate with peers on the Avalanche network/etc/avalanche/avalanchego/staking
avalanchego_https_certs_dirWhere to store the node's TLS certificates used to secure HTTP API endpoints/etc/ssl/certs/avalanche/avalanchego
avalanchego_gpg_dirWhere to store Ava Labs GPG public key (used to verify AvalancheGo binary)/etc/avalanche/avalanchego/gnupg
avalanchego_log_dirWhere to write logs/var/log/avalanche/avalanchego
avalanchego_userThe user that will run the AvalancheGo Linux serviceavalanche
avalanchego_groupThe group of the user that will run the AvalancheGo Linux serviceavalanche
avalanchego_auto_restartWhether to automatically restart AvalancheGo upon version or configuration changestrue
avalanchego_http_host--http-host argument127.0.0.1
avalanchego_http_port--http-port argument9650
avalanchego_http_allowed_hosts--http-allowed-hosts argumentlocalhost
avalanchego_https_enabledWhether to secure the HTTP API endpoints using TLS. See --http-tls-enabled argument. If true will upload TLS certificates from avalanchego_https_local_certs_dir.false
avalanchego_https_local_certs_dirWhere to find the TLS certificates on the Ansible host, will not lookup for files if value is """{{ playbook_dir }}/files/https"
avalanchego_https_cert_filePath to TLS certificate for the HTTPS server. See --http-tls-cert-file argument."{{ avalanchego_https_certs_dir }}/{{ inventory_hostname }}.crt"
avalanchego_https_key_filePath to TLS private key for the HTTPS server. See --http-tls-key-file argument."{{ avalanchego_https_certs_dir }}/{{ inventory_hostname }}.key"
avalanchego_public_ipThe node's public IP. Set to "" to resolve the public IP automatically using NAT traversal."{{ ansible_host }}"
avalanchego_staking_port--staking-port argument9651
avalanchego_staking_use_local_certsIf true will upload TLS certificates from avalanchego_staking_local_certs_dir. If false AvalancheGo will automatically create new certs.false
avalanchego_staking_local_certs_dirWhere to find the existing certificates on the Ansible host. Should be named {{ inventory_hostname }}.(crt\| key)."{{ playbook_dir }}/files/staking"
avalanchego_staking_use_local_bls_keysIf set to true, will use existing BLS keys found in avalanchego_staking_local_bls_keys_dir. If false, AvalancheGo will automatically create a new key.false
avalanchego_staking_local_bls_keys_dirWhere to find the existing BLS key on the Ansible host. Should be named {{ inventory_hostname }}.bls.key."{{ playbook_dir }}/files/staking"
avalanchego_custom_genesisIf set to true, will use existing genesis file at avalanchego_custom_genesis_local_filefalse
avalanchego_custom_genesis_local_fileSee Genesis"{{ playbook_dir }}/files/genesis.json"
avalanchego_network_idSee Network IDfuji
avalanchego_bootstrap_node_idsNode IDs of the bootstrap nodes on networks other than mainnet and fuji['NodeID-7Xhw2mDxuDS44j42TCB6U5579esbSt3Lg']
avalanchego_bootstrap_dbThe local path to a snapshot of Avalanche database""
avalanchego_track_subnetsThe list of tracked subnets that the node can validate. See Subnet Tracking[]
avalanchego_vms_installA dictionary of VMs to install on the node with their versions. The key is the VM name and the value its version. See VMs install.{}
avalanchego_node_jsonThe AvalancheGo node configuration that will be templated to node.json addressesNA
avalanchego_subnets_configsThe configuration of each subnet. See Subnet Configs.{}
avalanchego_chain_aliasesThe aliases of each chain. See chain-aliases-file.{}
avalanchego_chain_configsThe configuration of each chain. See Chain Configs.{ C: { state-sync-enabled: true }}
avalanchego_chain_upgradesThe list of upgrades of each chain. See Network Upgrades.{}
validator_txs_private_keyThe private key used to sign the addValidator transactionsPrivateKey-ewoqjP7PxY4yr3iLTpLisriqt94hdyDFNgchSxGGztUrTXtNN
validator_txs_key_encodingEncoding of the private key. Can be cb58 or hex.cb58
validator_start_time_commandCommand used to dynamically compute start_time_command_output2 minutes from now using date
validator_end_time_commandCommand used to dynamically compute end_time_command_output1 week and 2 minutes from now using date
validator_start_timeStart time of the validation either in RFC 3339 format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ) or start_time_command_output that will be resolved by executing validator_start_time_commandstart_time_command_output
validator_end_timeEnd time of the validation either in RFC 3339 format (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ) or end_time_command_output that will be resoved by executing validator_end_time_commandend_time_command_output
validator_stake_or_weightStake (for elastic Subnets) or weight (for permissioned Subnets) of validators1
validator_delegation_feeDelegation fee in percentage2
avalanchego_service_optionsAdditional systemd avalanchego.service options. Only modify this variable if you are absolutely sure about what you are doing.# ExecStartPost=/bin/echo "Example ExecStartPost option"
ash_cli_installWhether to install and configure Ash CLI on the nodetrue
ash_cli_network_idThe Avalanche network to be used in the Ash CLI (sets the RPC endpoints to use)"{{ avalanchego_network_id }}"

Ash CLI configuration


All config arguments are passed to AvalancheGo through a JSON config file stored at avalanchego_config_dir.

Inventory requirements

  • All the nodes on which to install avalanchego have to be in the avalanche_nodes group.
  • For local networks, at least one of the nodes has to be in the bootstrap_nodes group. This nodes have to be started first to serve as bootstrap nodes for the others. For an example of how to do that, see the bootstrap_local_network.yml playbook.

Installation folders

The default installation follows Linux Filesystem Hierarchy Standard by creating 3 main directories:

  • /opt/avalanche to store Avalanche softwares
    • └── avalanchego contains the different versions of AvalancheGo
      • └──current contains symlinks to the currently used avalanchego binary and plugins
  • /etc/avalanche to store Avalanche related configuration files
    • ├── conf contains AvalancheGo configs
    • ├── staking contains the Avalanche node's TLS certificates and BLS key
    • └── gnupg contains the AvalancheGo GPG keys used to sign the AvalancheGo binaries
  • /var/lib/avalanche/avalanchego to store AvalancheGo data
    • └── db contains AvalancheGo's database
  • /var/log/avalanche/avalanchego to store AvalancheGo logs
  • /etc/ssl/certs/avalanche/avalanchego to store AvalancheGo TLS certificates used to secure the node's HTTP API endpoints

This differs from AvalancheGo default setup that stores the database and configuration files under $HOME/.avalanchego.

VMs installation

To install a VM on the node, add it to avalanchego_vms_install following VM_NAME: VM_VERSION format (e.g. timestampvm: 1.2.0).

Supported VMs and AvalancheGo compatibility

List of VMs supported by the collection:

Here is the compatibility matrix with AvalancheGo versions:

RPC protocolAvalancheGosubnet-evm

If a versions incompatibility is detected, an error message will be prompted and the role execution will stop.