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2. Blueprint Configuration and Apply


The Ash Console is currently in alpha and not production-ready. It is under active development and subject to breaking changes.

We need to write blueprints that define all the entities needed to deploy a 5-node Avalanche devnet and to create the Subnet. For convenience, we have prepared the devnet.yml and devnet-evm-subnet.yml blueprints for you.

Download the blueprints

  1. If not already done, create a folder for this guide and navigate to it:

    mkdir -p ash-console-guides/one-command-devnet
    cd ash-console-guides/one-command-devnet
  2. Download the devnet.yml and devnet-evm-subnet.yml blueprints from the ash-rs GitHub repository.

    curl -sSL -o devnet.yml
    curl -sSL -o devnet-evm-subnet.yml

Review the blueprints

Let's take a look at the first blueprint, devnet.yml. You will see that it defines:

  • 5 nodeId secrets for the 5 nodes of our Avalanche devnet (the node IDs of a local Avalanche network are hard-coded in AvalancheGo).
    A nodeId secret contains the TLS keys, certificates and BLS keys for an Avalanche node:
    - name: local-node-id-01
    secretType: nodeId
    nodeId: NodeID-7Xhw2mDxuDS44j42TCB6U5579esbSt3Lg
    nodeCert: LS0tLS...
    nodeKey: LS0tLS...
    nodeBlsKey: U2fcxy...
    # ...
  • 1 project named ash-devnet and tied to the local network. It is the logical set that will contain all the resources of our devnet:
    - project:
    name: ash-devnet
    network: local
    avalanchego_version: 1.10.17

    The project also defines sharedResourceConfig.avalancheNodeConfig that will be used by all the avalancheNode resources of the project.

  • 1 region in the ash-devnet project. We will deploy all our resources in this region.
    - cloudProvider: "${CLOUD_PROVIDER}}"
    region: "${CLOUD_REGION}"
    cloudCredentialsSecretId: "${CLOUD_CREDENTIALS_SECRET}"

    Here we reference environment variables that we will define in the next section.

  • 5 avalancheNode resources in the ash-devnet project. Each avalancheNode resource references a nodeId secret:
    - name: local-node-01
    resourceType: avalancheNode
    cloudRegionId: "${CLOUD_PROVIDER}/${CLOUD_REGION}"
    nodeIdSecretId: local-node-id-01
    size: small
    # ...

    We reference environment variables to determine to which cloud region the resources will be deployed. We will define these variables in the next section.

The second blueprint, devnet-evm-subnet.yml, defines:

  • 1 wallet secret. This wallet will be use to sign the Subnet transactions (creation, validator management, etc.) and the P-Chain address will be used as the control key of the Subnet.

    # Local network pre-funded account wallet
    - name: ewoq-key
    secretType: wallet
    pChainAddress: P-fuji18jma8ppw3nhx5r4ap8clazz0dps7rv5u6wmu4t
    privateKey: PrivateKey-ewoqjP7PxY4yr3iLTpLisriqt94hdyDFNgchSxGGztUrTXtNN
    privateKeyFormat: cb58

    Do not use this wallet as control key in production!

  • 1 avalancheSubnet resource in the ash-devnet project. It references the ewoq-key secret above and defines a Subnet EVM blockchain to be created with a standard genesis configuration:

    - name: ash-subnet
    resourceType: avalancheSubnet
    cloudRegionId: "${CLOUD_PROVIDER}/${CLOUD_REGION}"
    subnetControlKeySecretId: ewoq-key
    createSubnet: true
    - name: AshSubnetEVM
    vm: subnet-evm
    # ...

    The avalancheSubnetConfig field is following the same structure as the Ansible Avalanche Collection's ash.avalanche_subnet role. See Blockchain configuration for more information on how to generate a custom genesis configuration.

Define environment variables

A blueprint is very flexible thanks to the use of environment variables. Here we can dynamically specify the cloud provider, region, and cloud credentials secret ID. Let's define them depending on your cloud provider you set up in step 1:

export CLOUD_REGION=us-east-1
export CLOUD_CREDENTIALS_SECRET=aws-credentials

Of course, pick the CLOUD_REGION of your choice.

Apply the devnet blueprint

Everything is ready to deploy our devnet! Let's apply the first blueprint:

ash console blueprint apply ./devnet.yml

The CLI will ask you to confirm the action:

Confirmation prompt
Blueprint summary
5 to create: local-node-id-01, local-node-id-02, local-node-id-03, local-node-id-04, local-node-id-05
0 to update:
1 to create:
- 'ash-devnet':
Regions: aws/us-east-1
Resources: local-node-01, local-node-02, local-node-03, local-node-04, local-node-05
0 to update:
? Are you sure you want to apply this blueprint? (y/N)
[This action is irreversible!]

Enter y and watch the magic happen!

> Are you sure you want to apply this blueprint? Yes
Creating entities...
Creating secret: local-node-id-01
Secret created successfully!
| Secret name | Secret ID | Type | Created at | Used by |
| local-node-id-01 | f906...0afc | NodeId | 2024-01-02T11:54 | 0 |
# ...
Creating resource: ash-devnet:local-node-05
Resource successfully created in project 'ash-devnet'!
| Resource name | Resource ID | Type | Cloud region ID | Size | Created at | Status | Resource specific |
| local-node-05 | cd99...0342 | AvalancheNode | 8d01...b4fc | Small | 2024-01-02T11:56 | Pending | IP address | None |
| | | | | | | | Running | false |
| | | | | | | | Bootstrapped | [false] |
| | | | | | | | Healthy | [false] |
| | | | | | | | Restart req. | false |


  1. It will take a few minutes before the local network is Bootstrapped and Healthy. You can get its updated status with the console resource info command:

     ash console resource info local-node-01
    Resource 'local-node-01' of project 'devnet-guide':
    | Resource name | Resource ID | Type | Cloud region ID | Size | Created at | Status | Resource specific |
    | local-node-01 | 9419...6722 | AvalancheNode | 634d...c9d9 | Small | 2024-01-02T11:54 | Running | IP address | |
    | | | | | | | | Running | true |
    | | | | | | | | Bootstrapped | [false] |
    | | | | | | | | Healthy | [false] |
    | | | | | | | | Restart req. | false |
  2. Once a node is Running, you can also query the node info endpoint with the avalanche node info command:

    ash avalanche node info -n
     Node '':
    ID: NodeID-7Xhw2mDxuDS44j42TCB6U5579esbSt3Lg
    Network: local
    Public IP:
    Staking port: 9651
    AvalancheGo: avalanche/1.10.17
    Database: v1.4.5
    RPC Protocol: 28
    Git commit: 145dfb0dc179d688f45ad44067ef6f9821148b36
    AvalancheVM: v1.10.17
    Coreth: v0.12.5
    PlatformVM: v1.10.17
    Subnet VMs: []
    Rewarding stake: 100%
    Weighted average: 100%

    Your node IP address will be different.

Your local Avalanche network is now up and running!

Apply the Subnet blueprint

Now that we have a devnet ready to be used, we can apply the second blueprint, devnet-evm-subnet.yml:

ash console blueprint apply ./devnet-evm-subnet.yml

The CLI will ask you to confirm the action:

Confirmation prompt
Blueprint summary
1 to create: ewoq-key
0 to update:
0 to create:
1 to update:
- 'ash-devnet':
Resources: ash-subnet
? Are you sure you want to apply this blueprint? (y/N)
[This action is irreversible!]

Enter y and watch the magic happen!

> Are you sure you want to apply this blueprint? Yes
Creating entities...
Creating secret: ewoq-key
Secret created successfully!
| Secret name | Secret ID | Type | Created at | Used by |
| ewoq-key | e9b0...5e35 | Wallet | 2024-01-30T17:25 | 0 |

Updating entities...
Updating project: ash-devnet
Project updated successfully!
| Project name | Project ID | Network | Cloud regions | Resources | Created at |
| ash-devnet | 3443...5326 | Local | aws/us-east-1 | avalancheNode: 5 | 2024-01-30T13:21 |

Adding resource: ash-devnet:ash-subnet
Resource successfully created in project 'ash-devnet'!
| Resource name | Resource ID | Type | Cloud region | Size | Created at | Status | Resource specific |
| ash-subnet | 396d...6cc8 | AvalancheSubnet | aws/us-east-1 | Small | 2024-01-30T17:26 | Pending | ID | |
| | | | | | | | Validators | 0 |

Subnet information

After a few minutes, we can get the Subnet ID, control keys, blockchains, and validator nodes information from the subnetStatus field returned by the console resource info command:

ash console resource info ash-subnet --json | jq '.subnetStatus'

We use the --json flag to get the extended information about the Subnet. All those information cannot be displayed in a table format.

"blockchains": [
"id": "RfX8YRUHePxFENBZFwaNt1tP6CR6RQ4hJJ5AqYv49LRoSKniK",
"name": "AshLocalEVM",
"vm_id": "srEXiWaHuhNyGwPUi444Tu47ZEDwxTWrbQiuD7FmgSAQ6X7Dy",
"vm_type": "SubnetEVM"
"controlKeys": [
"id": "29uVeLPJB1eQJkzRemU8g8wZDw5uJRqpab5U2mX9euieVwiEbL",
"pendingValidators": [],
"subnetType": "Permissioned",
"threshold": 1,
"validators": [
"connected": true,
"end_time": 1707486609,
"node_id": "NodeID-MFrZFVCXPv5iCn6M9K6XduxGTYp891xXZ",
"stake_amount": 100,
"start_time": 1706881809,
"tx_id": "DhEgYijBur6QDUDgUMpmDAyF5XGyq6JwG919B8bkryDLijvua",
"uptime": 100,
"weight": 100
# ...

Blockchain RPC endpoint

The CLI provides a powerful helper to get the RPC endpoint that can be used to query the Subnet EVM blockchain (e.g. to connect a Web3 wallet). Provide the avalancheNode resource name to be used as RPC and the avalancheSubnet resource name:

ash console helper rpc local-node-01 ash-subnet
AshLocalEVM RCP endpoint:

See the reference for more information about resources lifecycle management.