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This section define the terms used in the Ash Console.


A User who interacts with the Ash Console, either through the Console Website, the Ash CLI, or the Console REST API.

Every Console entity is owned by a single User.

User properties
id: UUID4
username: str
firstname: str
lastname: str
email: str



Not implemented in alpha

A group of Users that collaborate on the same Projects.

The owner of the Organization can add other Users and give them Roles.



Not implemented in alpha

A set of permissions granted to Users that have this role.


Any User query made on the Console triggers an Operation that is logged.

Examples of operation types: ProjectAPI.create_project, SecretAPI.get_all_secrets

An Operation can result in success or failure.

Operation properties
id: UUID4
owner_id: UUID4 # The user who performed the operation
logged: datetime
target_type: str
target_id: UUID4 | None # Can be None if the operation is not related to a specific item
target_value: str | None
operation_type: str
args: List[str]
kwargs: Dict[str, str]
result: OperationResult
error_msg: str | None


A Secret is an encrypted piece of information which can be used in:

  • Resources configuration keys
  • CloudRegions creation
  • A Secret can be one of:
    • generic: contains any arbitrary value
    • wallet: contains a wallet's private key, used to sign transactions
    • nodeId: contains a NodeID with its related TLS certificate and key, used to spin up an Avalanche node
    • awsCredentials: contains AWS credentials, used to manage resources in an AWS cloud region
    • azureCredentials: contains Azure credentials, used to manage resources in an Azure cloud region
    • googleCredentials: contains GCP credentials, used to manage resources in a Google cloud region
    • lxdCredentials (Not implemented in alpha)

A Secret can be used across Projects by multiple Resources, and CloudRegions.

Secret properties
id: UUID4
owner_id: UUID4
name: str
secret_type: SecretType
created: datetime
used_by: Dict[UUID4, str] # (UUID => EntityType)
... # extra properties based on type


A Project managed by a User (later an Organization). It is a logical set of Resources that are deployed in CloudRegions.

A User can have access to multiple projects.

A Project is linked to a (blockchain) Network: local, testnet, or mainnet. All the Resources created in the project will automatically be configured to belong to this Network.

Project properties
id: UUID4
owner_id: UUID4
name: str
network: Network
created: datetime
cloud_regions_ids: Dict[str, UUID4]
resources_ids: Dict[str, UUID4]

Cloud Region

A CloudRegion is managed by a User (later an Organization) inside a Project.

A CloudRegion is created from a AwsCredentials, AzureCredentials orGcpCredentials

A CloudRegion's format is always cloudprovider/region.

A region can be one of:
  • azure/australiacentral
  • azure/australiacentral2
  • azure/australiaeast
  • azure/australiasoutheast
  • azure/brazilsouth
  • azure/canadacentral
  • azure/canadaeast
  • azure/centralindia
  • azure/centralus
  • azure/eastasia
  • azure/eastus
  • azure/eastus2
  • azure/francecentral
  • azure/francesouth
  • azure/germanynorth
  • azure/germanywestcentral
  • azure/japaneast
  • azure/japanwest
  • azure/koreacentral
  • azure/koreasouth
  • azure/northcentralus
  • azure/northeurope
  • azure/norwayeast
  • azure/norwaywest
  • azure/southafricanorth
  • azure/southafricawest
  • azure/southcentralus
  • azure/southeastasia
  • azure/southindia
  • azure/swedencentral
  • azure/switzerlandnorth
  • azure/switzerlandwest
  • azure/uaecentral
  • azure/uaenorth
  • azure/uksouth
  • azure/ukwest
  • azure/westcentralus
  • azure/westeurope
  • azure/westindia
  • azure/westus
  • aws/af-south-1
  • aws/ap-east-1
  • aws/ap-northeast-1
  • aws/ap-northeast-2
  • aws/ap-northeast-3
  • aws/ap-south-1
  • aws/ap-south-2
  • aws/ap-southeast-1
  • aws/ap-southeast-2
  • aws/ap-southeast-3
  • aws/ap-southeast-4
  • aws/ca-central-1
  • aws/eu-central-1
  • aws/eu-central-2
  • aws/eu-north-1
  • aws/eu-south-1
  • aws/eu-south-2
  • aws/eu-west-1
  • aws/eu-west-2
  • aws/eu-west-3
  • aws/me-central-1
  • aws/me-south-1
  • aws/sa-east-1
  • aws/us-east-1
  • aws/us-east-2
  • aws/us-west-1
  • aws/us-west-2
  • google/asia-east1
  • google/asia-east2
  • google/asia-northeast1
  • google/asia-northeast2
  • google/asia-northeast3
  • google/asia-south1
  • google/asia-southeast1
  • google/asia-southeast2
  • google/australia-southeast1
  • google/europe-central2
  • google/europe-north1
  • google/europe-west1
  • google/europe-west2
  • google/europe-west3
  • google/europe-west4
  • google/europe-west6
  • google/northamerica-northeast1
  • google/southamerica-east1
  • google/us-central1
  • google/us-east1
  • google/us-east4
  • google/us-west1
  • google/us-west2
  • google/us-west3
  • google/us-west4

A CloudRegion belongs to only one project.

CloudRegion properties
id: UUID4
owner_id: UUID4
project_id: UUID4
created: datetime
cloud_provider: CloudProvider
region: Region
cloud_credentials_secret_id: UUID4
status: CloudRegionStatus


A Resource is managed by a User (later an Organization) inside a Project and in a CloudRegion.

A Resource can be:

  • An avalancheNode
  • An avalancheSubnet
  • An avalancheFaucet (Not implemented in alpha)
  • A blockscout
  • A monitoringStack (Not implemented in alpha)

A Resource belongs to only one Project and one CloudRegion.

Resource properties
id: UUID4
owner_id: UUID4
project_id: UUID4
created: datetime
resource_type: ResourceType
cloud_region_id: UUID4
... # extra properties based on type